Approve Transaction

Proof of transfer as an electronic delivery slip (E-DIS)

Transfer Holdings

From my 5Paisa Demat Account


To 5paisa Pool Account

c/o 5Paisa Capital Ltd

How would you like to proceed?

I don't have a PIN

First time approving a
transaction / Forgot your PIN?

I have a PIN

Enter a previously generated
PIN on CDSL's site.

Why is authorization required?

Authorization is required for transferring stocks from your DEMAT A/C to complete your sell transaction. It is an additional security measures for ensuring that only you are selling stocks from your DEMAT and no one else. This is a mandatory requirement by regulator.

  • 1.Overview:
  • Sell authorization is an additional security feature enforced by regulatory to safeguard investor’s interest. Whenever you sell stocks from your DEMAT A/C, 5Paisa moves those stocks only if you have done a successful authorization. The authorization is done on CDSL website once in a day, whenever you sell your stocks. The authorization is done by entering CDSL PIN. The authorization is valid for a day only.

  • 2.Authorization Validity:
  • The authorization will be taken for all DEMAT holding, avoiding authorization for every sell. This authorization will be valid for current day only.

  • 3.Errroneous transfer:
  • Erroneous transfer of securities will be refunded back to the respective client’s demat account.

EDIS Success!

Your sell authorization process is completed successfully

EDIS Success!

Your sell authorization process is completed successfully

EDIS fail!

Request Already Exists. Please try again
after 5 mins

EDIS fail!

Your sell authorization process is failed

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Your CDSL TPIN has been generated successfully.New TPIN has been sent on your registered email ID and mobile number with CDSL

EDIS fail!

Request Already Exists. Please try again
after 5 mins

Message !